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What Not to Say to An Insurance Adjuster 

speaking on the phone to the insurance adjuster

Car accidents can be traumatic and chaotic events that leave you reeling and needing time to collect your thoughts. However, when dealing with insurance adjusters, time may not be on your side. It is important to remember that insurance companies are businesses and will do everything in their power to minimize their payout. Therefore, acting quickly after a car crash and gathering as much evidence as possible is essential. Take photos of the scene, exchange contact information with other drivers involved, and seek medical attention if necessary.

It is also advisable to consult with a personal injury lawyer who can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation for any damages or injuries sustained in the accident, even if you have your own insurance company. It is also important to avoid discussing further details or speculation about the car crash with family members or friends, as the adjuster can obtain the necessary information from the police report and witness testimonies.

Dealing with insurance adjusters after an accident can be a daunting task. It is essential to understand that while they may seem friendly and caring, their ultimate goal is to protect the interests of the insurance company they work for. This means they will likely try to obtain an immediate and complete account of the accident from you, which could potentially impact your adjuster’s job and your car accident case.

It is advisable to be cautious while providing details about the incident, as any information provided may be used against you in a settlement negotiation. Insurance adjusters are trained professionals who know how to extract information that can minimize the amount the insurance company has to pay.

Insurance adjusters may seek a quick resolution and detailed account of the auto accident, but it is imperative not to rush into anything without seeking legal advice. An experienced attorney can help you navigate through this process and ensure that your rights are protected. Remember, a hasty car accident settlement, or failing to mention all of your injuries in your car accident claim, may cost you more in the long run, especially if you do not disclose all of your injuries to your doctor and insurance adjuster.

Before you find yourself on the receiving end of a claims call, the team at Sampson Law Firm wants you to consider this list of things to never say to an insurance adjuster.

Do Not Offer an Apology

don't apologize to the insurance adjuster

When speaking to an insurance adjuster about an accident, apologizing can have serious consequences. Even if it’s just a simple expression of sympathy or regret, saying sorry can be interpreted as an admission of guilt. This can negatively impact your insurance claim and result in reduced compensation for damages. It is essential to be mindful of what you say during conversations with insurance adjusters and avoid apologizing; instead, focus on providing factual information about the accident. Remember that anything you say can be used against you, so it’s best to consult with a legal professional before speaking to your insurer.

In Kentucky, the pure comparative fault system is followed, which means that the compensation you receive after an accident may be reduced depending on your responsibility for causing it. Although this rule only applies to court judgments, insurance adjusters consider it when evaluating claims. Apologizing after an accident can potentially hurt the value of your claim, as it may be interpreted as admitting fault.

Therefore, avoiding apologizing or making any statements that could be misconstrued and used against you in the claims process is advisable. It’s always best to consult with a personal injury attorney who can guide you through the legal complexities of such cases and help maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation for any damages incurred.

You Aren’t “Fine”

When speaking to an insurance adjuster, it is essential not to use the phrase “I’m fine.” This response can negatively impact your ability to seek compensation for injuries sustained, especially if you haven’t sought proper medical treatment. It’s best to avoid discussing the extent of your injuries if you feel uncomfortable or haven’t seen a doctor yet. Downplaying your injuries or saying that you are fine may not be the best way to handle the situation and can be used against you when filing a claim.

Remember that you have the right to keep your medical information private and do not need to disclose it to an insurance adjuster unless required by law. As such, being cautious and mindful of what you say during conversations with insurance adjusters is crucial.

Do Not Speculate

speaking with an insurance adjuster

When talking to an insurance adjuster, supply only the facts. Do not speculate or offer opinions about what you think caused the accident. Avoid saying:

  • I think
  • Maybe
  • The other driver must have been…

When communicating with an insurance company after a car accident, it is advisable to avoid giving an oral statement or allowing them to record your call. Instead, consult your attorney, who can help you communicate with the insurer and provide a written statement. It is crucial to ensure that all the information provided is factual and accurate, as embellishments or statements of opinion may negatively impact the value of your claim.

The last thing you want to do is say the wrong thing and jeopardize the outcome of your claim. The best thing you can do is provide a recorded statement to the claims adjuster, which can dictate the rest of the claims process and any eventual personal injury case.

Don’t Say “Yes” to the First Settlement Offer

insurance adjuster settlement

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to prioritize their own financial interests over the claimant’s well-being. As a result, the initial settlement offer provided by the insurance adjuster may be much lower than what you deserve.

It’s crucial to remember that accepting such an offer, even if you need money, can significantly harm your chances of receiving a fair settlement. Instead, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the negotiation process and ensure that you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.

If you receive a settlement offer from an insurance company soon after an accident, it may not be in your best interest to accept it immediately. This is because some injuries may not fully manifest themselves until weeks or even months after the accident, including traumatic brain injuries. For example, suppose you have a concussion or neck injury that only becomes apparent days or weeks later, and you’ve already accepted the settlement offer.

In that case, you won’t be able to get the insurance company to pay for your medical expenses related to those conditions.

Therefore, it’s crucial to fully understand the extent of your injuries and their potential long-term effects before agreeing to any settlement offer. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer can help ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

It is important to avoid accepting the initial low-ball settlement offer made by insurance companies as it may not fully cover the expenses you incur in the future. Instead, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a skilled attorney who can help evaluate the actual value of your personal injury claim and send a demand letter to the driver’s insurance company.

An experienced attorney can consider all factors, such as medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and intangible losses, to arrive at a fair compensation amount for your injuries. This way, you can be assured that you receive adequate compensation that covers all your current and future expenses related to the accident.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to be careful about what you say to an insurance adjuster?

Be cautious when speaking to an insurance adjuster, as your statements can be used against you in the claims process. Adjusters are skilled at identifying inconsistencies or admissions of fault, so it’s advisable to consult with an attorney before engaging with them.

Can you argue with an insurance claims adjuster?

Yes, it is possible to argue with an insurance claims adjuster. However, it is vital to approach the situation professionally and respectfully. Remember that the adjuster is just doing their job and may have specific guidelines to follow. It can be helpful to gather evidence and documentation to support your argument and present it clearly and organized. If you have difficulty resolving the issue with the adjuster, you may consider involving a supervisor or seeking legal advice. Remember to remain focused during discussions or negotiations with the insurance claims adjuster.

What insurance adjusters won’t tell you?

They won’t tell you what to say, but they will likely try to ask you questions to get information that may not be in your best interest. It is important to remember that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, not for you. That being said, it is important to be honest and cooperative when speaking with an adjuster, but also be careful not to say anything that could be misconstrued or used against you in the claims process. Ultimately, it is best to consult with legal counsel, such as an attorney, who can provide you with legal representation, before speaking with an insurance adjuster to ensure that your rights are protected.

Contact a Kentucky Car Accident Attorney Today

kentucky car accident attorney

These rules are a great jumping-off point for navigating the confusing ordeal of talking to an insurance adjuster post-accident. Want to make communication with an insurance adjuster even easier? Get in touch with an experienced Kentucky car accident attorney immediately.

At The Sampson Law Firm, we can help manage all communication between you and the insurer. Our legal team, with years of experience in handling personal injury cases, can also collect evidence that will support your claim as we negotiate for the maximum compensation possible in a timely manner. To talk to one of our skilled car accident lawyers at our law office, call (502) 584-5050 for a free and confidential consultation.