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Are distracted driving accidents involving policemen in Kentucky a problem?

Kentucky State Police statistics show that out of the 7,164 vehicular collisions involving distracted driving in the state in 2013, 256 of those involved Louisville Metro Police Department officers. Additionally, 34% of those occurred due to the negligence of the police officer that figured in the accident.

According to Lieutenant Michael O’Neill, training commander for the LMPD, police sometimes have no choice but to drive at high speeds while using the computer in their vehicle, otherwise known as the mobile data terminal. Some examples he provided included needing  to check the registration of license plates of suspected stolen vehicles they see on roads. However, he did add that it’s not ideal to use the MDT “if you’re going 75 miles an hour down the expressway.”

Louisville Police Chief Steve Conrad punished the police officers involved in distracted driving last year, with 64 given reprimands and orders to undergo additional drivers’ training and one officer suspended for his traffic violation.

Regardless of who the distracted driver was, if they caused you to be involved in a car accident in Louisville, our lawyers at the Sampson Law Firm believe you may be owed financial compensation. Speak with us today about your legal options by calling (502) 584-5050.